Air Conditioning and Refrigeration by Rex Miller

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration by Rex Miller
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
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Book Title: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Author: Rex Miller, Mark R. Miller

Book Overview:

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration help you understand today’s cooling and climate control systems-so expertly that you can use it as the foundation for a career! Clear instructions with over 800 photographs and illustrations-offer step-by-step guidance to learning the trade for students, professionals, and homeowners who want to do their own installations or repairs.
Written by experienced teachers Rex and Mark R. Miller-whose Carpentry & Construction has been a building classic for more than 25 years-Air Conditioning and Refrigeration has all the task-simplifying details you need for any project. In the popular Miller style, this complete and current guide helps:
New and student technicians. Build on-the-job skills and the knowledge needed to succeed in a fast-growing, lucrative field.AC and refrigeration pros. Refine and update skills, with full information on the latest cost-cutting technologies, refrigerants, and tools.Do-it-yourselfers and homeowners. Make expert equipment and tool choices and achieve superior results, economically.Service personnel, technicians, contractors, engineers, and facility managers. Find up-to-date information on codes, standards, safety tips, and methods.Anyone who needs clear illustrated step-by-step instructions for efficient, cost-effective, and current methods of choosing, installing, maintaining, troubleshooting, servicing, and repairing today’s AC and refrigeration equipment.

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