Double Bar Graphs

Double bar graphs, also called double bar charts, help us to compare or present more than one kind of information, situations, or events instead of just one by using bars.

What you see below is a double bar chart. Take a close look at it and study it, so you can become familiar with its features

After you have examined the double bar chart above, here are a few good observations you can make from the graph:

The scale is on the left of the graph and it is 10 units.

The title is “Scores on a Fractions Test with or without Preparation”

Preparation helped students to score higher

The lowest score without preparation is 45 and the highest score is 85

The lowest score with preparation is 55 and the highest score is 100.

The students who made the most improvement are Darline, Carla, and John. Their score improved by 15.

The student who made the least improvement is Peter. Although Jetser’s score is still slow, he improved by 10 points while Peter’s improved only by 5 points

How to construct a double bar graph:

1. Decide what title you will give the graph
2. Decide if you want horizontal or vertical bars
3. Choose a scale
4. Put the label on the axes
5. Draw the bars

Use the table below to construct a double bar chart. We will follow all steps outlined above to construct this graph

1. The title can be clearly seen from the table.
2. We will choose vertical bars
3. Since the scores differ from one another mostly by 5, 10, 15, or 20, it makes sense to chose a scale of 10

If the variation between scores were like 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, it would have been better to choose a scale of 1 or 2

4. We put names on the x-axis and scores on the y-axis. If we had decided to make horizontal bars, we would have put names on the y-axis and scores on the x-axis

5. Finally, we drawbars. The double bar graph is shown below:

Double Bar Graphs


Also Read   Making Line Graphs